Brandon Ryan
Brandon Ryan
PR / Project Mgr

A story about a Legend. He was always interested in music and spent most of his time working in music public relations. He was known for his exceptional ability to connect musicians with their fans and create unforgettable experiences.

One day, while scrolling through his social media feed, Legend stumbled upon a post about NFTs. He was curious about this new technology and decided to do some research. He quickly realized that NFTs could revolutionize the music industry by providing artists with a new way to monetize their work and connect with their fans.

Excited about the potential of NFTs, Legend started to attend conferences and network with people in the NFT community. He soon became a respected figure in the industry and was known for his innovative ideas and creative approach to NFTs.

As Legend became more involved in the NFT community, he started to notice that many of the people he was working with were also interested in other unconventional forms of art and expression. Some were even fascinated by the idea of the undead and how it could be represented in NFT form.

Drawing on his experience in music public relations, Legend saw an opportunity to create a community that embraced both NFTs and the undead. He started organizing events and promoting artists who were creating undead-themed NFTs, and before long, he had built a following of like-minded individuals.
